Add Admob Ads in Flash Based Android Apps

For many flash game designers and developers, Android platform is one of the best targets for them to monetize their games. However, without the native support from main advertisement platform like Admob, making money is becoming impossible with free android games. Start from Flash cs5.5, Flash Air gives us a method to use functions from outside native library. For example, we can control Android device volume or device display brightness by native Java code. As we make it as a native extension library, and we can call functions in this library from Flash.

With Flash Air native extensions, we can integrate Admob in flash games and publish them in google play and app store. In this tutorial, I will show some examples about how to write an Admob Flash Air native extensions, and how to put Admob Ads in the flash games.

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Create Right Click Menu in Multiple Parent-Child Layer

In Flash, creating right click menu is easy and simple. In one display object which has several cascade children display objects, we can define different right click menu for display objects in different levels. Here I will show a simple example. In this example, I will create a three level display object. The blue color displayObject is the most out parent, which has a child displayobject in green color, and the green color displayObject has one red color child display object.
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Load Flash SWF into iPad Application

Once Adobe released their Flex Air which enable flash developers to create IOS (iPhone & iPad) applications, it is possible to load the swf into iPad applications. But after testing from several times, I just find out it is not so good as what I thought. First, let me explain how to load flash into iPad application which is made by Air 3.0.

As Flash developers or Flex developers, we know that actionscript 3 allows us to load the external resource such as image, or swf file by using Loader in flash, or Image and swfLoader in Flex. The latest flash cs5.5 and Flex 4.5 can also let us compile our flash applications to IOS native applications. So this is the solution to load external flash swf by iPad application, creating a IOS native application by Flash cs5.5 or Flex 4.5, which is using Loader or swfLoader to load the external swf. There is a simple code snap in Flash:
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Add Admob in Flash Android Air Application

Admob is a mobile advertising and monetization solutions from a trusted name in mobile advertising. As mobile advertising method, it supports all the main platform, such as android app, iPad app, iPhone app, mobile web, webOS app, and Windows Phone 7 app. For flash, it only support the flash lite, which is not widely used in the latest mobile technology. For the latest flash cs5.5, it already integrates the support for Android Air application and iphone application. For flash developers, there is still a way to embed admob ads in their flash application for android and iphone. Read more