In last month, I have created a new Android app, Memo English: Fruit Master. The purpose of this app is helping me to remember some fruits name in English. I collect 75 most common fruits in this app. Some of them are quite challenge actually. In this app, you can learn the fruit name in English, listen the voice over and do some spelling practice to remember the English word. Currently, I am using Google Translate to localize this app in Spanish, Russian, Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese.

It is a very simple app. Here are some features:

  • Learning fruit English name with picture
  • Learning English with Spanish, Russian, Korean, Chinese or Vietnamese
  • Learning English pronunciation
  • Practice English work spelling

Download Memo English: Fruit Master In Google Play

You can download this free Android app in the Google Play. In the next post, I will show you how I create this Android app step by step. You can also get my example source code and build your own Android apps basing on it. If you have any feed back, please leave the reply below.


Download By Scanning QR Code

Scan the following QR code to download this app in Google Play.

How To Build a ListView Based Android App

Memo English: Fruit Master is a standard ListView based Android app. If you want to create such ListView based Android app, this could be a perfect android app template for you. To help you be able to work on it fast, I have written a tutorial series from designing the app, implementing the app and publishing the app.

Get Full Android App Template Source Code under $5.99

You will get whole Android App ListView template source code at $5.99. With this source code, you can do everything you want:

  • Feed your own content;
  • Monetize the app with your own AdMob publish id;
  • Use the source code in your own project;
  • Publish this app in your android develop account;
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