A lot of friends have asked me to help them build an Android Wallpaper. To people who have HD pictures and want to build their own Android Wallpaper apps, an Android app template will be very helpful. So I give you this Android Naruto HD wallpaper app. I figured I should sell the source code cheap so that more people will be able to access it and make easy money on it.

Compare to write the Android app source code line by line, using an Android App template is really basic and really cheap. As long as you have HD photos or Wallpapers, you can easily replace images in this app template. Within 5 minutes, you will get your own Android app ready to make money in your Google Play account or with your AdMob ads banner.

With this Wallpaper Android app template, you can customize the look and feel to make like 20 stand-alone Wallpaper apps if you want. Or you can put all HD wallpapers in one app.

If you want to test this app yourself, you can download and install it by following link, or scan the QR code to download and install on your android phone directly.



Benefits From HD Wallpaper Android App Template

I have to admit this Android app template is not the best one. But it must be the simplest one and easiest one for you to turn it as your own Android app in 5 minutes. Here are the main benefits you will get from this template:

Working With The Latest Eclipse And Android SDK

With this template source code, you don’t have to worry about Android version because it is developed under latest Android SDK version 4.4.2 and compatible with Android 2.3.0. It covers over 99.7% of Android devices in the world.

Easy To Go

With this Android app template, you can easily customize the app skin. All wallpaper functions are ready for you, just replace the HD images and you can quickly build a new Wallpaper app in 5 minutes. You get your new app with grid gallery, downloading, cropping and set as wallpaper functions. The app is pretty simple, but what can work pretty well.

Making Money With Android Wallpaper App

This Android app template is built with AdMob advertisement feature. Therefore, you can distribute your new app for free and earn money via the AdMob ads banner. Or you can disable the advertisement feature and sell the app directly.

Build New Android App From This Template

As I mentioned above, this app template is simple to rebuild as a new app. No coding background required. Here are several criteria to follow:

  • Change the logo images
  • Change the wallpaper thumbnail images
  • Change the wallpaper images

Done. It’s so simple that even your grandma could do it. Well, maybe. All images for Android app are located in res/drawable folder. I am pretty sure you can easily find them.

New Ideas For Improvements

  • Make a free version with Ads feature enabled. In this way, you can maximum your download and installation number. You will make money through Admob ads channel.
  • Make a premium version with more HD wallpapers and Ads feature disabled. A premium Android app without ads is the best product for your customers. Your customers will be willing to pay.
  • Make different types of Wallpaper Apps. You can use the same app template to build different apps with different type of HD wallpapers, for example, Christmas Wallpaper App, Halloween Wallpaper App, Thanksgiving Wallpaper App, Hot Girl Wallpaper, Cool Cars Wallpaper App, etc.

I’m sure you have more ideas to improve it and monetize with it. With this solid app templates, you have a big playground to test your making money ideas and make it successful.

Get Full App Source Code Under $6.99

With the purchase, you get immediate access to:

  • Full Android source code;
  • Full Asset Sheet;
  • Access to team for basic technical questions;

If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact us here, with Wallpaper Android App Template as the subject line.

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  1. Hi!
    I would like to ask if its against the policy of Google if I were to create a, say Naruto wallpaper app, and upload my own drawings of Naruto into the app for ppl to download on google play.
    Given that I do not own Naruto series, is it counted as an infringement of copyright, even if I were to draw them on my own?
    For both paid app and free apps with apps, would like to know if Google will remove them. Thanks!

    1. Hello,

      I don’t know about it. But I guess it would be OK as all the wallpaper are created by yourself. But I still think you’d better check it with google. They are the boss.


  2. Hi i just purchase your naruto wallpaper source code app.
    when i open in my android studio 2.3 is state this project does not use gradle build system.
    so how to open or gradle migrate?

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