New Update Version 3.80:
- Load featured image from RSS Feed
- Show image in ListView
- Cache image in local storage
- Scale image bitmap to fix out of memory issue
In the latest RSS standard, there is no tag for image. So in my previous project, I just preload an Android icon on each ListView row. In the past few weeks, many friends send me messages to request loading image in ListView. But, you need to keep in mind that the image tag is not specified in RSS Standard. In my example, I am using a wordpress plugin JMS Rss Feed in my website, so that RSS of my website will return a <jms-featured-image> tag which will contain a featured image in each article. In my Android RSS Reader App, I will search for
This is the No.6 Android tutorial about how to create a Rss Reader Android App. If you want to build a RSS Reader step by step, you’d better start from the beginning. Here is the full tutorial list for this course.
- Android Rss Reader Example 1: How to Use ListView and ArrayAdapter
- Android Rss Reader Example 2: Load Data by HTTP Request in Android
- Android Rss Reader Example 3: Parse XML in Android
- Android Rss Reader Example 4: Drag to Refresh ListView
- Android Rss Reader Example 5: Show WebSite Content in WebView
- Advanced Tutorial 6: Load Featured Image In ListView From Rss Feed
- Advanced Tutorial 7: Add Android Navigation Drawer Menu
Add Image Tag In Your Rss
Before you start to build your RSS Reader App, you need to make sure there is image tag in your RSS feed. Since the image tag isn’t included in the RSS standard, you can install my plugin JMS Rss Feed to add an image tag in your RSS feed if you are using WordPress to build your website or blog. After installing the plugin successfully, there will be a< tag <jms-featured-image> appearing in your RSS Feed.
your website rss feed will look like:
<item> <title>Transparency Concept in PNG</title> <link></link> <comments></comments> <pubDate>Sun, 18 Jan 2015 03:11:59 +0000</pubDate> <category> <![CDATA[ Other Online Technology ]]> </category> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description> <![CDATA[Transparency is fully supported in PNG, but it is very complicated to manipulate in program...]]> </description> <content:encoded> <![CDATA[Transparency is fully supported in PNG, but it is very complicated to manipulate in program...]]> </content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> <jms-featured-image></jms-featured-image> </item>
Parse RSS Reed XML And Get Image URL
After we get rss feed ready, we can add some code to get the image url from rss feed. I am using XmlPullParser to parse the XML. So when I get a start tag whose name is “jms-featured-image”, we set the flag to get the image link. Here is the code example:
if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { if (xpp.getName().equals("item")) { pdData = new PostData(); currentTag = RSSXMLTag.IGNORETAG; } else if (xpp.getName().equals("title")) { currentTag = RSSXMLTag.TITLE; } else if (xpp.getName().equals("link")) { currentTag = RSSXMLTag.LINK; } else if (xpp.getName().equals("pubDate")) { currentTag = RSSXMLTag.DATE; } else if (xpp.getName().equals("jms-featured-image")) { currentTag = RSSXMLTag.FEATURED_IMAGE; } }
After we set the flag as RSSXMLTag.FEATURED_IMAGE
, we will handle all the incoming text as the image url. Here is the source code:
if (eventType == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { String content = xpp.getText(); content = content.trim(); if (pdData != null) { switch (currentTag) { case TITLE: //do something... break; case LINK: //do something... break; case DATE: //do something... break; case CONTENT: //do something... break; case GUID: //do something... break; case FEATURED_IMAGE: if (content.length() != 0) { if (pdData.postThumbUrl != null) { pdData.postThumbUrl += content; } else { pdData.postThumbUrl = content; } } break; case DESCRIPTION: //do something... break; default: break; } } }
All above code is modified basing on my third tutorial Parse XML in Android. Now we get all post information from the RSS Feed, including post title, date, description, featured image url and content. In next task, we will show the post featured image in ListView.
Load RSS Image In ListView
In last step, we already get all post information from RSS Feed xml. In this step, we will load image in each row of ListView. We will work in PostItemAdapter class. Once the ListView wants to get a View for its row, we will prepare a View with image and title. First of all, I will add two new attributes in ViewHolder
static class ViewHolder { TextView postTitleView; TextView postDateView; ImageView postThumbView; String postThumbViewURL; }
The postThumbView
is the ImageView which will show the post iamge. The postThumbViewURL
is the image url where I will load the image in AsyncTask. Here is the example source code of getView
in class PostItemAdapter
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ViewHolder viewHolder; if (convertView == null) { convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.postitem, null); viewHolder = new ViewHolder(); viewHolder.postThumbView = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(; viewHolder.postTitleView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; viewHolder.postDateView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; convertView.setTag(viewHolder); } else { viewHolder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); } PostData post = datas.get(position); if (post.postThumbUrl != null) { viewHolder.postThumbViewURL = post.postThumbUrl; new DownloadImageTask().execute(viewHolder); } else { viewHolder.postThumbView.setImageResource(R.drawable.postthumb_loading); } viewHolder.postTitleView.setText(post.postTitle); viewHolder.postDateView.setText(post.postDate); return convertView; }
For DownloadImageTask
class, you can refer this article Download Images by AsyncTask. There is a very good example to teach you how to download image by AsyncTask.
More Performance Improvement
Right now, we successfully load the RSS feed image into the ListView. However, there are still much room to improve the performance. One improvement is downloading the images and saving them offline. This cache mechanism will improve the user experience significantly. When caching the image offline, the ListView doesn’t need to download the image again and again when your users are scrolling the ListView up and down. For more information, you can check this article Android Save And Load Downloading File Locally
The second improvement is scale down the image before showing them in ListView. As we just need to show an image icon besides each post in ListView, the image icon size may be 100 x 100 pixels or even smaller. We really don’t need a large image like 300 x 400 pixels or 600 x 300 pixels as our icon. So we can load a lower resolution image in memory and display it in the ListView. This improvement will save huge amount of memory in our app and it will make ListView scrolling more smoothly.

Try The Example With All Improvements
You can download and install this android app by click the following link, or scan the following QR code to download and install on your android phone simply. If you feel it is helpful, please support me by clicking the banner inside the app.
Download and Run Rss Reader App on Your Android Phone
Get Full Improvement Source Code Under $9.99
You will get whole Android RSS Feed App source code at $9.99. After you get the source code, you have the full right to use it.
What You Will Get
- Loading RSS Feed from internet
- Parse RSS Feed XML
- Show post title in a list
- Load post image beside title
- Cache image offline
- Scale image small to fit icon size
What You Can Do
- Load your own website rss feed
- Monetize with AdMob Ads
- Use in your own project
- Publish In Google Play
if i open an item i get the title en description but i dont get the featured image above the title, is it possible? and is it possible to load youtube movies from the feed?
Greets Stefan
Regarding your questions:
1. It is possible to load featured image above the title.
2. For youtube movies, I have not tried. You may try it by yourself.
What if I wanted to produce multiple RSS feeds on multiple tabs which are swipeable?
Yes, you can. You just need to make some small changes to support multiple rss feed source.
will this work offline
I have one version which will cache all data offline. But it’s my premium project, not sell in public.
i need to parse multiple website parse and show in one listview with image and sort by date time
You have to customize the app.
If i want to parse multiple website, should i create new class and new list view ?
Hi Anton,
It depends on how you want to show the rss list. If you want to show all rss feed in one list, then, you don’t need to create a new class and a new list. If you want to show news in separate page, then, you can create one.
But for my option, you’d better to store news data in two dimension array, instead of creating class to do so.
Best Regards
Could you more explained how to store news data in two dimension array ?
Yes, i want to show rss of 5 website in 5 separate page. Do i must create 5 main activity class ? And Could you more explained how to store news data in two dimension array ?
Hello Anton,
For how to parse and save xml data, you can check tutorial 3:
Currently, the postDataList is a one dimension array. As you want to save multiple website, you can change it as two dimension array. The first dimension is indexed by website id, the second dimension will save the rss feed data.
i want to buy it (Load RSS Image In ListView), but i have to Paypal , i want to payment you by Neteller or Skrill account.
Don’t worry. You can email me and I will send you the full source code via email.
the code doesn’t work on blogs.
when I replace the rss url in your code with rss url of my blog and then run the app it shows nothing. any help?
Hello Mostafa,
This project is tested many peoples. First, please confirm that the original project working properly. After that, if you change the rss feed, please make sure your rss feed content provides standard rss format.
If you still have problem, you can provide your rss feed url to us , we can check your rss feed.
Mr. James Liu
i have problem regarding parsing the rss.
first i have code with parsing where image comes under description
call image within the description
but i want to call img link differently.
so , is there any solution
Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean “call img link differently”
I wanna buy the cod but request invalid
Thank you very much. The problem is solved. I will send you the source code to your email as a gift. Is the email you left here available?
Thank you now its working :)!!!!
Hello James,
I am really interested in using your script but I have a few questions:
1. Do you have push notifications as a feature?
2. How easy is it to deploy Admobs on it.
3. I currently have Adsense on my mobile website and I believe this shouldn’t be shown on the app. Is that the way it works?
4. How much will it cost to get your script in total?
Looking forward to reading from you.
This is a very old project, which I don’t maintain anymore. At the time when I pressed it, it is working perfect. So regarding your question,
1. In this version, it doesn’t include push notification. For this feature, you can check this project: However, in all these project, the solution is old. In current stage, Google provide new approach for PUSH NOTIFICATION. You can check the Firebase service.
2. Yes, it is very easy. Just replace your Admob application id inside.
3. For page with adsense, the AD will not show as the App get content from RSS feed.
4. The price is labeled on the bottom of the article.
Best Regards
how to multiple rss feed get in android studio….please help me