In the post, iPhone Rss Reader App IOS Tutorial, I gave an example to show you how to create a RSS Reader App for iPhone. In that tutorial, I am using the data source from WordPress powered website. One of my friend, Mohamed, wonder if it can be modified to get RSS Feed from Twitter. I think it is necessary to create this iPhone App tutorial to show how to migrate the iPhone RSS Read app example to read the twitter rss feed.
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Add Google Admob in IOS Apps
In IOS platform, Apple also provides a way to monetize IOS apps by iAd. However, the low fill rate is really a headache problem. Hence, Admob for IOS application is alternative way to make money from your apps. Admob provides a wide support for all mobile platforms, including Android apps, iPad apps, iPhone apps and Windows Phone apps. In post, Add Google Admob in Android Application, I give an example to show how to monetize android apps by Admob. Here, I will show you how to implement Google Admob in IOS apps.
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iPhone Rss Reader App IOS Tutorial 3: XML Parser in IOS
In this post, I will continue to show you how to implement an rss reader iphone app in Xcode. First, I need to clarify that there is no different between iPhone app and iPad app, except the UI design. If you are working in Xcode 4.2 or later, you can design the UI in storyboard. It gives us a directly visual design experience. This is the 3rd tutorial for iPhone Rss Reader app development, you can find all tutorials about this topics:
- iPhone Rss Reader App IOS Tutorial 1: StoryBoard UI Programming
- iPhone Rss Reader App IOS Tutorial 2: HTTP Network Programming in IOS
- iPhone Rss Reader App IOS Tutorial 3: XML Parser in IOS
- iPhone Rss Reader App IOS Tutorial 4: Show Rss Feed HTML in UIWebView
In previous post, HTTP Network Programming in IOS, I give an example to show how to make HTTP GET request and HTTP POST request. Via HTTP connection, we can get the RSS Feed content in XML format. To show the title in our table view, we need to parse xml into our data structure first.
In IOS SDK, we can use NSXMLParser to handle all xml parsing jobs. The reason we choose XML instead of JSON is that RSS 2.0 feed is defined by XML. Here is a piece of RSS feed content example.
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Customize UI Table View Cell By Adding Images and Style Text
When we create Apps using UITableView and UITableViewCell, the default UI usually can not meet our needs. In this tutorial, I will show you how to customize UITableViewCell step by step. From simple customization to complicated customization, this tutorial will cover how to change default UITableViewCell height, text font, size and color. It will also describe how to show image icon in default UITableView or totally customize a new table view cell from sketch.
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iPhone Rss Reader App IOS Tutorial 2: HTTP Network Programming in IOS
To create a complete rss reader iphone app, http request and response are both necessary modules. Website, for example, WordPress powered website, usually provides rss feed feature. Hence, using our rss reader iphone app can easily get the rss feed contents from Http request. HTTP network programming in IOS is very simple. NSURLConnection class and related classes manage the common operations. If we want to download data to store in a file, we can use NSURLDownload, which will not used in our iphone rss reader app. In this tutorial, I will show you how to use NSURLConnection to send HTTP GET request and HTTP POST request.
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