How to Avoid iPhone iPad App Rejection From App Store

In these fews days, I am working on my iphone apps. Currently, we are almost in the last stage. We need to prepare all the material to submit our app to Apple App Store. Before submitting, I pay attention on the Apple Store Review Guidelines. I find my app may breaks some of the rules and that may cause my iPhone app being rejected by Apple app store. I think it is time to learning the Apple Rules and it is even more important than developing the apps.
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Building Apple Push Notification Service Guide For Beginners

These days I am working on the push notification features on my ios app project. It takes me two days to reading round and try some example code. In the end of the second day, I finally make it working well. Looking at the whole learning progress, I am so surprised that how poor the Apple developer guide is. For beginners, 90% of them will go to Apple official website to find the learning materials. However, you will never get a working app with push notification feature if you follow the apple developer instruction, as well as another apple push notification tutorials. Nevertheless, they are still useful after you combine these guides together. That’s the reason why I want to write down this post.
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Navigation and TabBar Controller in Xcode Storyboard

Push Segue and Modal Segue can easily make IOS programmers confused. In IOS storyboard programming, we can simply create a segue by ctrl dragging a button to an UIViewController, then we are asked to choose the type of segue, push or modal. The transition effect of push segue and modal segue are quit different. Push segue transits one new view by pushing the old view to left. When the new view is dismissed, it will be push to right and show the old view. Different from push segue, modal segue has four transition effect.

For IOS storyboard programming beginners, it is very hard for them to understand the difference between push segue and modal segue, except the view effect. Sometimes, they want to implement a pushing effect between to simple UIViewControllers. But after we create a push modal from one button to another UIViewController, it will make us disappointed because nothing will happen when we click the button, while it will work if we select modal segue instead of push segue. As a beginner, it took me two days to find the reason why push segue didn’t work at that time.
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IOS Object C Storyboard Programming Tips For iPhone and iPad

Last month, I am very busy at my new iPhone and iPad project. This is my first to touch the Object C and IOS programming. From a beginner’s point of view, the iPhone and iPad programming is very hard to understand. For a beginner, it takes time to fully handle the storyboard development procedures, especially when you are using xcode 4.2 and above. There are very little tutorials for storyboard programming. All iPhone and iPad development guides are focusing on xcode 3+. For some reason, one book is really not enough to handle the IOS programming.

For one month searching, studying, and working on iPhone and iPad application development, I think it’s time to write down some notes and summarize the tips for learning IOS iPhone and iPad programming.
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