Running BitTorrent from the Command Line on CentOS

I’m on a mission to gather a massive 100,000 hours of voice data for training an advanced AI. But here’s a problem – grabbing just the voice part from the internet is tricky. So, I got a plan: why not download a bunch of movies and shows and then extract the voice data? That’s where BitTorrent comes into play – a powerful method for sharing files. Now, normally people click buttons in a bit torrent client to get files, but with a colossal 40,000 movies on the agenda, that’s just too slow. That’s why I opted for a more technical approach using bit torrent in the command line. It’s like giving the computer direct instructions to efficiently fetch all those movies for me.

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Docker Tips for Beginners

Docker Tips for Beginners: Docker Engine vs Docker Desktop

Two years ago, I wrote an article Docker tips for beginners. That’s my first time to learn docker. And after that, I had to move my attention on data crawlers, including Python, Scrapy, Selenium, Chrome Extension, Electron, etc. Today is the day when I am back to work backend again. The first lesson I am learning is how to setup Docker environment. Docket officially claims that docker engine can run the docker image on all platform, including Windows, Linux and Mac. For perosnal and small business usage, it could be free. But if you are working in big company, you have to pay attention on the license, especially for beginners. If you were installing some apps by mistake, it could cause you legal problems.

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paypal in python

Get PayPal Payment in Python

PayPal is one of the most popular payment solution for online business. In the PHP era, we can find lots of Paypal payment gateway, implemented by PHP, hosted on WordPress or Joomla. For example, my PayPal Digital Goods Express Checkout tools which was created several years ago. To be surprised, it still works properly and helps lots of people open their business online.

In my last post, Make Money within 4 Steps, I demonstracted how to use the latest PayPal REST API in the website. All these tools and toturials are all in PHP. In this article, I will use my Python skills to expose the possibility of Paypal in Python. Now let’s get it started.

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Write Log in File and Print in Terminal in Python

Logging in Python is an old topic. It is quite important to check and debug Python programe, especially when there are something going wrong. In Linux, logging files are usually located in a special folder and rotated basing on time. Here is a powerful logging tool, loguru, a Python 3rd library. In this article, I will not cover it, but I recommend it if you are already familiar with the original Python logging system. Here, I will share some usual practices in my past Python projects.

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