3 Most Common Import Problems in Python

I am working on Python language programming these days. It’s my first time to work with Python. From my point of view, it’s so easy to learn and it’s very efficient to write app with Python. Compare with PHP or Java, it saves me a lot of time to write extra code. During the time, the most difficult problem I’ve met is the module management. In this post, I will share the most 3 common import problems in my Python project.

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Our platform is now available on every device

Making your website full responsive, just like our website, which will be available on every device. If you are coding guy, you need to know how to make website fully responsive with HTML5 and CSS3. If you don’t know programming, but just want to let your website can work on both desktop (wide screen) and mobile (small and narrow screen), then you’d better use a fully responsive template for your website.

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Work on Mac

I am a 10 years old Windows user, but switch to Mac in this year. Lots of people say that Mac is so user friendly and easy to use. However, at the beginning, I don’t feel that, just like all other Windows users. The reason I switch from Windows to Mac is because of the iOS development. Of course I am also working on HTML, Javascript, PHP and Android. Therefore, I have to move all my daily work on Mac now. In this article, I will write some tips about how to use Mac, for new users who have been working on Windows for years.
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