Android Naruto HD Wallpaper Source Code

A lot of friends have asked me to help them build an Android Wallpaper. To people who have HD pictures and want to build their own Android Wallpaper apps, an Android app template will be very helpful. So I give you this Android Naruto HD wallpaper app. I figured I should sell the source code cheap so that more people will be able to access it and make easy money on it.

Compare to write the Android app source code line by line, using an Android App template is really basic and really cheap. As long as you have HD photos or Wallpapers, you can easily replace images in this app template. Within 5 minutes, you will get your own Android app ready to make money in your Google Play account or with your AdMob ads banner.

With this Wallpaper Android app template, you can customize the look and feel to make like 20 stand-alone Wallpaper apps if you want. Or you can put all HD wallpapers in one app.

If you want to test this app yourself, you can download and install it by following link, or scan the QR code to download and install on your android phone directly.

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Play MP3 in Android Tutorial: Android Mediaplayer Example

This is my fourth tutorial for how to build a ListView based Android app. In last tutorial, I have shown an example about how to build ListView with text, image, and button. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to play sound with Android Mediaplayer. In my example code, I will set an event listener on the button which is put in ListView. When users click on the button, I will play the local mp3 file basing on which ListView button is clicked. After we finish, you will be able to build a Android music player which has a playlist. When users click play button in the playlist, you can play the corresponding mp3 file.
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Android Crop Image And Assign Wallpaper

New Update Version 1.6:

  • Add cropping function
  • Scale bitmap data before setting as wallpaper

To create an Android wallpaper app, the cropping picture function is quite necessary. To support multiple Android screens, I have to make sure to assign the right size pictures to Android wallpaper. In my solution, I will prepare a set of high resolution pictures to fit the majority Android screen size. When users choose one picture, I will let them to trim the pictures in a specific aspect ratio to perfectly fit the screen size. For example, I will prepare the big image in 1600×1000. When users want to set wallpaper on their 480×800 Android phone, I will provide a cropping tool which can only trims the image in 3:5 aspect ratio. Now, let me show you how I add this cropping feature in my Android Wallpaper app.
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Click Button in ListView And Get Item Position

In my android app “Memo English Fruit Master”, I create a customized ListView. In each ListView item, I put a button inside so when user clicks on the button, the app will play a voice over according to the text in that ListView item. The problem is here, how do I know which voice over the app should play. Hence, I need to know the position of the item in ListView. Here are several ways to get listview item position on click.
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Customize Android ListView Item Layout Style Tutorial

In my last tutorial, I have shown you how to load the built-in JSON data file to initialize the app. I am building a new data array from JSON file and apply the data array to ListView. For each item in the Android ListView, I will customize the item layout by adding one imageView, two textField and one button.

In Android, ListView is composed of several item views. Each item view is a normal Android View. Therefore, the concept for customizing Android ListView item is quite simple. In this tutorial, I will show you how to define a customized ListView item.
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